Friday 21 July 2017

Unique Bespoke Dining Table Designs for a Classic Home

The joy of eating delicious food cannot be raised up another bar, right? WRONG. Today, with the flexibility of having your own dining table designed – the “Bespoke” way – your meal times are going to get an even more personalized touch. Sitting each day on the chairs you designed, eating each meal on the table the blueprints of which were your brainchild – the experience is just too precious to pass on. Temptation must have set in by now; here are a few unique bespoke dining table designs for a classic home.

Design idea #1: Contemporary mood

Not a fan of the traditional or the antique? Contemporary is the answer for you. Just take a blank page and splash it with colors and functional shapes, and it will be turned into furniture for you. Contemporary style is in great demand today because of the bold style statement it makes.

Design idea #2: Raw as it comes

The power and minimalism exuded by the old log-cabin lumberjack style of furniture beats everything else. Just ask your carpenter to nail up the planks as they are and make a dining table out of it! Don’t forget to get it treated and polished for durability.

Design idea #3: The engineer

If you are an extreme functionality junkie, mechanics displayed in furniture is your cookie. Get it made to fold up in ten different ways to quadruple up as a dining table, a storage unit, a wheeled food-cart and a makeshift bed for drunken parties!

Design idea #4: Heavy-lifters

Antiques are particularly made of solid, heavy wood. To recreate the same style with a little tweaking to suit your tastes takes a little more than treadmill exercise. Heavy furniture can be easily purchased ready-made, but bespoke antique-style furniture has more to offer.

You can mix-match all the above ideas to create something ahead of our time!

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